The first few days of coping with the aftermath of a bombshell are challenging and are often fuelled by reactive, emotionally driven decisions. Below are some tips for coping:
- Reflect rather than react. Friends, family and social media can be great for letting of steam but what you say in the heat of the moment might be regretted later.
- Do things that help you to relax and stay calm - a walk, exercise or watching a film. And keep eating - you need fuel.
- Use your courage so that you can have useful conversations, where you are listening as well as talking.
- Write things down.
- The first reaction is not always the best reaction. Sleep on it, then consider your reply.
- Seek advice; information can be reassuring.
Adele Ballantyne, Relationship Therapy
If your partner has told you they wish to separate, please call 01872 706050 for advice.